PAPAKI (roguelike project)

It's the news about the Papaki roguelike game.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Time to hunt >:)

ver 064
[updates.txt not updated inside zip!]
+added class/age/sex selection
+fixed some visual bugs
+tracks lead at the position of monsters
+changed name generator
It is about to test the hunting ability. Fixed some problems making this version more fun to play. This version is for the_switch who suggested the hunting idea.
Only some methods are needed now to add range and magic attack. I was thinking that spells are available to player by items. For instance the spell list could look like this:

a.magic missile
ring of firebold
Sword of King Argos
c.drain life
d.implode enemy
spellbook "Bone Language"
e.summon skeleton
f.smash legs
g.bone missile
h.cripple enemy

Of you cannot use sword+wand+spellbook at the same time, that's an example. I'll also make all wands to give the magic missile spell as a default spell for everyonw who use wand.


  • At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    o.o This is probably the lastest thing on any RL out there. They seem to be dying, but there are loyal fans out there. Now if only I can find some tutorials on ASCII tile system so I can actually start on the map generator >_<


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